and Star Trek have at least one thing in common. In both scenarios, one
scripted and the other quite real, there is a relationship and respect
between three friends which enable them to do their jobs very
effectively. Each compliments the other and they all work in
synchronicity in a way which three parts make a whole. Without ALL the
parts, it's simply not the same, nor could it ever be. There is nothing
like the original Star Trek and Rush would simply not be RUSH without
all three members.
Recently I was pondering the phenomenon of not only how fame changes
the behavior of those who become famous but how these cope with the
endless manifestations expressed by those who idolize them. Any
individual's privacy should be respected regardless of who they are and
what they've done. This includes celebrity and criminal alike. There's
another rabbit trail, right there. Neil
Peart, the drummer of the rock group Rush, now going on 36 years strong,
is known for his abhorrence of fame in general. As much as I respect
Neil, if I am to be completely unbiased on the subject, I have to wonder
if Neil is more culpable than other drummers about bringing this on
himself. He is notably famous for his stick twirls and tosses, intricate
drum fills, and enormous circular drum set. All of these by nature
going to draw huge interest to any audience. Rush fans are all to
familiar with that surge of adrenalin and excitement experienced when
Neil performs these feats of wonder. Naturally as a result of this,
people are going to want to talk about it, relate to it and admire it.
If Neil was akin to a Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stones, perhaps he
wouldn't have this problem. No disrespect intended but Charlie is more
or less a wall flower in the band, nothing flashy there. Additionally,
Neil is without question the most well read drummer there will ever be
in addition to a current published author himself. Certainly the perks
and pitfalls if fame should not be a surprise to him nor should the
psychology of dealing with it. I am left wondering....what did he
Neil is a one of a kind, exceptional artist. But
unfortunately he is in a very public profession and with it comes
certain "expectations" as do many other professions like a doctor,
lawyer or teacher. I am suggesting that although this by nature is
unfortunate, being famous along with the consequences of living in the
limelight (the universal dream) will always be forever married. Those
who become famous should go in knowing this. It appears John Rusty,
Rush's original drummer, wasn't up for it, departing the group shortly
after recording their first album. Many people are polite and leave the
few "lucky" famous alone, but some do not. These are the ones Neil needs
to be prepared for. How he deals with it is entirely his decision and
one the rest of us need to respect, of course. Human nature dictates
that this behavior will never change. I don't believe Neil should change
at all who he is, that's what makes him Neil. My hope is that he never
becomes discouraged about the impossibility of changing how his audience
and fans react towards him.